90 Day Ayurvedic Natural Health Program
Have you or a loved one been suffering from an ailment and you want to learn how to rid your body of it using natural remedies? Well, this 90-day program is for you! It is a hands-on course that will put you and/or your loved one on the track to natural healing.
Program Objective:
Introduce the medical and spiritual system of Ayurveda.
Assist the participant in discovering your Dosha (mind-body type).
Identify participant's dietary, lifestyle, yoga, and meditation advice for their unique Doshic constitution.
Set up a daily schedule, including a morning and nighttime routine, for optimal energy, digestion, creativity, sleep, and mind-body balance.
Discuss the digestive fire, the Ayurvedic diet philosophy, common nutritional disorders, and toxins in food.
Discuss the three cosmic forces, universal qualities, and energies we are all made of.
Discuss the chakra systems, koshas, and everything in between, bringing you back into your true state: bliss.
Learn how to apply ancient healing modalities to your life.
and Much More!!
This program has an optional exam at the end that will grant you a Certificate of Completion once you are finished with our program.